The road from cold-to-sold

  • Onboarding

    You get a detailed proposal and accept it within the timeframe.

  • Research and discovery

    I dig deep, deeper, deepest.

    With past clients and promising prospects. To really understand the market — and see how you can stand tallest.

  • Copywriting

    I convert the hard research and rambling thoughts into words that compel, propel — and sell. Think customer-centric, easy-read, trust-building, clear-over-clever-but-still-clever language.

  • Review and Revisions

    Look at the draft, love what you see, and order the revisions (plus two sugars) within 5 days of receipt.

  • Off boarding

    Time to finish up, fill out a feedback survey and go on your merry way. Deliverable in hand, you will go places!